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REIA sapphire hair remover is not suitable for use under what circumstances?
Releaser:a cat Release Time: 2017-11-14

1. Do not use at the same time as essential oil products. Please make sure that the skin is clean, dry and free of cream, lubricant and other cosmetics.

2. If the skin surface is not clean and dry, it may affect the use experience of the product, and even damage the product;

3. Aspirin, immunosuppressant, isotretinoin and other drugs are prohibited. It is not recommended to use light sensitive drugs (such as tetracycline, sulfonamide, etc.) in the near future;

4. Light damage (sunburn) please wait for the skin to repair before use, mucous membrane and other sensitive parts are prohibited to use;

5. It is not recommended to use this product in patients with hirsutism and other skin diseases;

6. If you take painkillers, it will reduce the skin's sensitivity to heat. It is recommended to use it carefully before the efficacy is relieved;

7. If your skin or hair color is not suitable, do not use this product. (consult your doctor if necessary)

Security code enquiry guide
Enter the product's anti-counterfeiting code and click the confirmation button
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Security code enquiry guide
Enter the product's anti-counterfeiting code and click the confirmation button
When entering product security code, please distinguish case
Product security code input number more than 3 times, will not be able to query again